I'm sure it's perfectly normal, but I lay in bed thinking a million thoughts a second. Then I jump up to write something down. Here is some neurosis for you: I constantly make lists. I think "Start a blog" was on there. Though I've put that one off for a long time, because honestly, who cares about what I have to say?
I'm not sure even sure what blogging is.
This sure is nifty though. For such a horrendous loser like myself, I'm surprised I didn't start one sooner [no offense to cool bloggers out there]. So what do I do with a blog?
Is it a journal? Is it an attention-whore-indulgence [hell yes]? Let it evolve, young Padawan.
So let me introduce myself.
I'm George. I'm 21 [blegh.] I'm a junior in art school [hmm...] I'm a strong believer in laughing. I love it all: Movies, Music, Books, Food and Video Games. I think my only gripe with life is that I never have enough time to do it all (but who the hell can.) Photography, Guitar, Graffiti are just a few of my favorite things. I'll sing to you. I'll cook for you. Whatever, man. I am on an endless search for the perfect balance in life [happyness]. Oh, and I have no idea what I'm going to do when I "grow up."
[Hey! That could be a good reason to start this. Anonymous readers, please guide me through the angermass vortex we call life.] <-- (I also like brackets more than parenthesis.)
I'm also hoping this doesn't bore anyone.
So right now, I'm eagerly awaiting winter break (I truly feel for people who are now in the real world. These breaks keep me sane.) The hell that is finals is rearing its ugly head, and all I want to do is beat Super Mario Galaxy. Let me say, it's a brilliant game. First, the Wii controls melt in your fucking [mmhmm] hand. The game is as bright, colorful and beautiful. The entire game uses clever references to old Mario games (minus Sunshine. What the hell was that.), but uses the Wii's revolutionary controller to flip that world upside-down [literally]. You run across galaxies and planetoids, collecting stars and star-bits like an addict chiefing for crack. Every time I sit down to play, I tell myself I'm only going to try and get one star. I end up playing for 3 hours, collecting as many as I can. You can beat the game at 60 stars, but I want the secrets [I'm a gamer, damnit.], so I'll be looking for 120 "Power Stars."
Super Mario Galaxy had pulled me away from November's other godsend, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. I have forced everyone I know to sit down and play some Death Match with me. And everyone I know is now thoroughly addicted. Unfortunately none of them own Xbox 360, so I'm forced to play with strangers on Xbox: Live. The multiplayer is brilliant, for one sole reason: a little thing called "Perks." You can choose to upgrade your weapon or earn experience points (by killing peeps, yo). This will earn you new "perks." Some examples - Martyrdom (Drop a grenade when you die), Last Stand (You have some time after you almost die to shoot from the ground with a pistol). Other perks give you extra health, more bullet damage, hidden-from-radar, etc. That's the Multiplayer alone. The single-player game is perfectly crafted, glowing with cinematic execution and exhilarating game-play. I can't tell you how many times I would say "holy-shit" out loud. The graphics are the best I've seen on any system, even in the fast-paced world of online multiplayer. My only gripe are the long waits for "finding a match." There are times when I'm sitting there for 15 minutes. I'll end up with a guitar in my hand, playing "With a Little Help from My Friends." I felt I had to share my excitement here. If you have a Wii or Xbox... ah hell you probably already have these.
If you need to laugh, listen to or "YouTube":
Demetri Martin. [He's wry, clever and damn good. He'll make you smile.]
Another current obsession: Pumpkin Pie. That shit rocks my tastebuds.
Awesome [tasting] and easy recipe I made myself fo' dinna':
Spicy Garlic Shrimp
- 30 Pre-Cooked Shrimp (Tails Removed)
- 1 Tablespoon Red Pepper Flakes
- 4 Cloves Garlic
- 1 Tablespoon Parsley
- 1/4 Cup Olive Oil (Colativa, baby)
- Heat the olive oil in a skillet until it simmers,
- Add the pepper flakes, then add the garlic and wait until it browns.
- Throw in the skrimp and cook for a minute.
- Dump in that parsley.
- Cook for another minute (Stir it like crazy, too. Get them juices flowing.)
Get it while it's hot!
Well, I'm sure I'll look back in embarrassment at my "first blog." But I guess this is kind of a way for me to remember where I was at the time I wrote this. I mean "where I was" in the metaphorical way. You knows. That way. Well, maybe this help me put my mind to rest. Sorry if my writing is searing your eyes. This is kinda fun.
Next week, on "The Geek, the Nerd and the Laptop." [Just like TV!]
- Photography?
- Compooter Art!?
- Top Ten Lists [Just like High Fidelity! JohnCusackOMFG]
- Ashes from the Walmarts of yesteryear...
- Happiness vs. Sadness: The Epic Battle Continues!
- I promise I'll never have a post this long ever again...
As Patton Oswalt once said, "My geekiness is getting in the way of my nerdiness."